A popular walking escape when reading or essay writing gets too much
It’s hard to believe that it is only two months since I started training, whilst time has flown by I also feel like I have been here forever! And yet, the end of the academic term is fast approaching and essay deadlines looming.
We find ourselves in our second long weekend of term – when we get three days off! Although this time is a little different to last month as due to the second lockdown students have remained on site. We’ve kept ourselves busy by completing a 100 mile missional relay to raise funds for a community in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. You can find more details on that here: Miles for Masvingo. So far I’ve completed the route twice with one more leg to complete, taking my total to 15 miles.
Day 2 of Miles for Masvingo – a selfie with the Church of the Resurrection in the background
Lectures are going well and I was pleased with how I did in my first assignment – just hoping it wasn’t beginners luck!! I am currently working through my next essay due this Friday on whether or not The Book of Ruth is good for women today and once that’s completed I’ll move on to whether or not we need church buildings……
Fortunately for us not much has changed as a result of the second national lockdown. We are currently unable to worship ‘upstairs’ with the Community – I was grateful that I got on the hymn singing rota before this happened. Whilst not able to worship together we are still able to follow the same pattern of worship as a College downstairs. There is something quite special when the Angelus rings at 6pm for Evensong and you know the Community are also praying right upstairs.
We are still able to go on placement during lockdown, providing we are learning something whilst we are there. This year I am at Bradford Cathedral with another first year Ordinand. We’ve only visited a few times but I am looking forward to getting learning more there between now and Palm Sunday.
Photo taken for Bradford Cathedral’s communication Bradford Cathedral Blog Post
The one other change since Lockdown 2.0 started is the decision to end the residential portion of the term early to comply with the “Uni Evacuation Plan” and to make sure we all get back to families for Christmas should we wish to. Factoring in potential self isolation this means that the residential term will end on the 6th December with the last two weeks of term going online. This means an earlier than planned return to Devon, but mum ensures me she doesn’t mind putting up with me for a bit longer than planned.
Throughout other aspects of College Life we had our first Alternative Service (organised by students), a contemplative service using Taizé and reflections from Julian of Norwich. It was a lovely service and I enjoyed getting to sing one of the chants.
Alternative Service in Lower Church
There is probably a lot more I could write about the last month, but I don’t have the time to and I’m sure you no-one will have the time to read it… there’s also a glass (bottle) of Malbec with my name on it.